ASQ QSM GCA Q3 2018.pdf


Gold Coast Airport Pty Ltd is the airport-lessee company for Gold Coast Airport. Situated on Commonwealth land, Gold Coast Airport is primarily governed by the following federal legislation:

* Administered by the Commonwealth Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities & Regional Development



Gold Coast Airport tracks feedback received directly from our guests and summarises each quarter.
The 2024 October - December report can be found here.


Please book here for ASIC, ADA and AUA related appointments.

For more information about ASIC applications, please click here.
For ASIC FAQ's, please click here.


Gold Coast Airport is situated on a coastal plain less than one kilometre from the Pacific Ocean, bordered by Cobaki Broadwater to the south and west and Currumbin Hill to the north. The site contains areas of environmental and cultural value, and the airport has a responsibility to ensure its operation and development is managed in an environmentally responsible manner. This is managed under the Gold Coast Airport Environment Strategy which forms part of the airport’s Master Plan.


Gold Coast Airport operates under the Commonwealth Airports Act 1996 and Airports (Environmental Protection) Regulations 1997 which is administered by the Commonwealth Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities & Regional Development.



Per-and poly-fluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) is a term used to describe a wide array of fluorinated substances including perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA).

PFAS and their derivatives are man-made chemicals and have been used in a wide range of industrial processes and consumer products, including metal plating, in the manufacture of non-stick cookware, specialised garments and textiles, products used to protect fabric, furniture, and carpets from stains and in some types of fire-fighting foams including those historically used by Airservices Australia (Airservices).

While the management of PFAS is evolving and the science as to the risks posed by PFAS is not settled, research has found that PFAS are persistent and some forms bio accumulate in the environment.

Federal government agencies have historically used firefighting foams containing PFAS at sites around the country, including Airservices at Gold Coast Airport.

Management of PFAS presence on-airport is being undertaken in line with the PFAS National Environmental Management Plan (NEMP).  The NEMP provides a risk-based national framework designed to achieve a consistent approach to the management of PFAS contamination.

A range of PFAS investigations have been conducted at and around Gold Coast Airport conducted by Airservices, Gold Coast Airport and relevant State and Local Government agencies.

A link to Airservices web page containing the Preliminary Site Investigation Report, Preliminary Sampling Report, Cobaki Broadwater Aquatic Biota Sampling Report and report on Further Groundwater and Surface Water investigations undertaken in 2017 for Gold Coast Airport is provided below.

We respect and understand the concerns raised regarding PFAS contamination, and together with Airservices will continue to engage with relevant stakeholders, including regulatory agencies and the community, on this issue.

Given the persistent nature of PFAS, it is expected that associated management will be a long-term process in collaboration with Airservices and regulatory agencies and will evolve as the NEMP and other guidance materials are updated by State and Federal governments.

Gold Coast Airport encourages all community members interested in the management of PFAS at the airport to regularly check this web page for further updates.

Also, Airservices has established an email address to receive and respond to community PFAS enquiries (

More information:

Airservices Australia National PFAS Management Program

PFAS National Environmental Management Plan

Health based guidance values for per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances

Intergovernmental agreement on a national framework for responding to PFAS contamination

Media enquiries should be directed to:

For general enquiries please email us:


A variety of ground transport operators are utilised to safely and efficiently move customers to and from Gold Coast Airport. These include, shuttle buses, taxis, courtesy coaches, ride share, limousines and charter buses.

All Ground Transport operators must ensure they are registered, approved and have an RFID sticker on their vehicle to gain access to Ground Transport Facilities.

Registration as a Ground Transport Operator at Gold Coast Airport is through the Ground Transport Gateway. Please click on the links below for information and access.

Ground Transport Gateway Login


Below are the licensing fees for Gold Coast Airport. Please note these are subject to change.

For each entry of a registered vehicle into the taxi pick-up zone.
Meet & Greet
For each registered entry into the Meet and Greet facilities.
GT Transit Area (vehicle size <21)
For each entry of a registered vehicle into the GT Transit Area. A charge of $4.00 is applied for each 10-minute interval beyond the initial 45 minutes.
GT Transit Area
(vehicle size >=21)
For each entry of a registered vehicle into the GT Transit Area. A charge of $4.00 is applied for each 10-minute interval beyond the initial 45 minutes.

For any enquiries please contact


Gold Coast Airport wants to ensure that customers are able to travel as comfortably and hassle-free as possible, including passengers and guests with a disability. An Accessibility Guide has been produced for Gold Coast Airport and details the services and facilities available for our passengers with accessibility requirements.



To view the Conditions of Use document effective from 1 July 2024, please click here.

Per arriving and per departing passenger
Charge Type
Charges Effective from 1 July 2024. Fees exl GST
Terminal usage
Security screening
CUPPS (departing only)
CUTE (departing only)

Per arriving and per departing passenger
Charge Type
Charges Effective 1 July 2024.
Fees excl GST
Terminal usage
Security screening including LAGs
CUPPS (departing only)
CUTE (departing only)


Note: Security Screening costs related to the provision of Government-Mandated Charges are subject to change based on government requirements and passenger throughput.


$16.50 (excl GST) per 1,000kg MTOW. Applicable where Domestic, International and General Aviation Charges do not apply.

PARKING CHARGES (New charges from 1 October 2023)

$16.50 (excl GST) per 1,000kg MTOW per day for parking on the main apron exceeding 3 hours duration at GCA. Applicable where Domestic, International and General Aviation Charges do not apply.


Applicable Landing Charges plus $100 (excl GST) per flight arrival for security at airside gate where passengers are not required to go through the terminal.


New charges from 1 July 2017 (excl GST).

Charge Type
Fees excl GST
Fixed Wing Landing per 1,000kg MTOW
Fixed Wing Parking per 1,000kg MTOW
Rotary Landing per 1,000kg MTOW
Rotary Parking per 1,000kg MTOW


Gold Coast Airport’s parent company Queensland Airports Limited has a Privacy Policy in place which outlines how QAL and its related companies manage personal information through the Gold Coast Airport’s website and its associated applications.


Gold Coast Airport is obligated under the Federal Government’s “Airport (Control of On-Airport Activities) Regulations 1997” to publish a Parking Signage Plan (PSP) on this website.

Airside Driving

As the operator of an aerodrome under the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations, Gold Coast Airport is required to include in its Aerodrome Manual particulars for the control of surface vehicles operating on the, or in the vicinity of, the aircraft movement area.

Gold Coast Airport also has a general duty of care under common law and obligations under occupational health and safety legislation, the Civil Aviation Safety regulations and the Air Navigation Regulations in relation to safety and security issues associated with surface vehicles operating in such areas.

In order to meet these obligations, Gold Coast Airport has developed the Airside Driving Manual 2019 v5.0 - effective from 01 April 2020. The rules and standards set out in this manual form an important part of the system which Gold Coast Airport has put in place to promote the safe and orderly movement of passengers, aircraft and vehicular traffic airside as well as in the baggage make-up area.


In order to drive airside at Gold Coast Airport unescorted, personnel are required to hold an Authority to Drive Airside license. The category of an issued ADA license determines what areas the license holder is permitted to operate within.

Licence Categories

Step 1: Have a valid work related or operational need and have the appropriate current state or territory open class or valid P plate licence for the type of vehicle to be operated.

Step 2:
Review the Airside Driving Manual 2019 v5.0 and complete the Application for Authorirty to Drive Airside.

Step 3:
On approval of application, make a booking and successfully complete the applicable written test for your licence category (testing conducted by GCA staff).
a) New applicants only - obtain a driver log sheet and complete the required vehicle training hours applicable to your category of licence.
b) Existing ADA holders - apply for your new ADA as part of any ASIC renewal application. Any application after the issue of a new ASIC will be deemed as a new application and condition 3a will apply.

Step 4: Make a booking and successfully complete the practical drivers test applicable to your category of licence (testing conducted by GCA ARO staff).

Step 5: Submit all documentation to GCAL ASIC office for final approving and coding.


All vehicles operating in airside areas outside of designed work zones or special event zones are required to hold an Authority to Use Airside vehicle permit. This is to ensure all vehicles operating airside are clearly identifiable, in an appropriate serviceable condition and covered by insurance.


Step 1: Hold a current ASIC and ADA

Step 2: Complete the required AuA application form

Step 3: Make an appointment with the ASIC issuing office (a copy of the vehicle insurance documentation and registration details must be supplied).

Airport Security and Emergency Guide

Airspace developments & Crane approvals

The protection of the immediate airspace around Gold Coast Airport (GCA) is essential to ensure that we maintain a safe operating environment and allow for future growth of the airport. The airspace around Gold Coast Airport is protected under the Commonwealth Airports Act 1996 and the Airports (Protection of Airspace) Regulations 1996.

These acts and regulations aim to ensure that:

  • The airspace is obstacle-free for aircrafts to fly
  • Air navigation and radar equipment can operate without interference and;
  • Airport lighting is not obscured

This protected airspace is known as prescribed airspace.


International standards have been adopted which define two sets of invisible surfaces above and around an airport. These surfaces form the airport’s prescribed airspace. These two surfaces are known as Obstacle Limitation Surface (OLS) and Procedures for Air Navigation Services – Aircraft Operations (PANS-OPS) surface. All obstacle (building/crane) activity with the potential to penetrate the OLS and/or PANS-OPS MUST submit the appropriate form for approval.

Obstacle Limitation Surface (OLS)

The OLS defines the airspace that is to be kept free of obstacles. These surfaces only relate to visual flight operations or the visual stages of an instrument flight. The purpose of the OLS is not to restrict or prohibit all obstacles, but to ensure that existing or potential obstacles are examined for their impact on aircraft operations and their presence is properly considered.

Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Aircraft Operations Surfaces (PANS-OPS)


Controlled activities are defined in s.182 of the Airport Act 1996 and include:

  • Constructing a building or other structure that intrudes into the protected airspace
  • Altering a building or other structure that intrudes into the protected airspace
  • Any other activity that causes a thing attached to, or in physical contact with, the ground to intrude into the protected airspace
  • The intrusions by cranes used during construction into the protected airspace
  • The intrusions of rooftop vents, chimneys, aerials, antennas, lightning rods, roof top gardens plantings, exhaust flues etc

Activities causing non‐structural intrusions:

  • Artificial light
  • Reflected sunlight (Colorbond is an approved roof material with the exception of colours having solar absorbency lower than 0.35)
  • Air turbulence
  • Smoke, dust, steam and other gases or particulate matter

The Regulations on controlled activities differentiate between temporary (less than 3 months) and permanent. Temporary OLS penetrating controlled activities may be approved by GCA as a delegate of the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development (DITCRD). Any permanent OLS or PANS-ONS penetrating controlled activity requires approval by the DITCRD. Any permanent intrusions of the PANS-OPS surface are prohibited.


A person who carries out a controlled activity without approval commits an offence under Section 183 of the Airports Act 1996 and may incur significant penalties.


An airspace intrusion is any operation that has the potential to affect the prescribed airspace for the airport. This may include, regardless of height above ground, any mobile cranes, tower cranes, concrete pump, cherry pickers, buildings/structure, etc. within the controlled airspace. The developer must fill out the relevant forms listed below for any operation with the potential to affect the prescribed airspace.

Temporary Crane/Obstacle Approvals (less than 3 months)

Temporary obstacle intrusions must provide a completed assessment form at least 48 (business) hours prior to the proposed activity.
This form must include:

  • Location including latitude and longitude
  • Crane/obstacle operating height from ground
  • Ground level at site (AHD)
  • Operating times/dates
  • Reasons for operation
  • Lift plan (if required)
  • Builder and crane operator contact details
  • Ground level at site (AHD)

Permanent Obstacle Intrusion Approvals (greater than 3 months)

Permanent Obstacle Intrusion Approvals must provide the following information as part of an application for approval of permanent obstacle intrusion. The application should be submitted at least 2 months prior to the proposed construction.
This form includes:

  • Location including latitude and longitude
  • Building height (AHD)
  • Ground level at site (AHD)
  • Site address
  • Commencement times/dates
  • Lift plan
  • Builder and crane operator contact details

View the Combined Obstacle Application form here.


If the application results in an intrusion to the OLS or PANS-OPS surface the airport is required to invite the following organisations to assess or comment on an application:

  • The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) – for an assessment of the impact on aviation safety and shielding
  • Airservices Australia – for assessments of proposals resulting in a penetration of the PANS-OPS surface or temporary redirection of flight paths
  • Aviation stakeholders/users

The stakeholder’s responses will then be reviewed, and a decision is made. From which the applicant will be formally notified on the decision. Duration of this process may take up to 8 weeks.


The Type A chart is an ICAO chart which identifies information on all significant obstacles within the take-off area of an aerodrome up to 10 km from the end of the runway.

You can request a copy of the Type A Chart by emailing


For further information you can contact or phone 07 5589 1100.


Drones, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) laws vary depending on whether you are flying for fun(recreationally), for sport, or commercially. It is important users inform themselves on how
and where they may operate a drone, whether they need to be licensed and the dangers of flying
drones near airports.

The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has developed rules and regulations strictly prohibiting unmanned aircraft being flown in a manner that creates a hazard to aircraft. Drones cannot be flown within 5.5km of any controlled airport, including Gold Coast Airport, if it weighs more than250 grams. Detailed information surrounding CASA’s regulations for Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) usage can be found here.

Due to safety concerns, the flying of drones, UAVs or RPAs for recreation or sport is not permitted at or near Gold Coast Airport.

There are certain situations, for commercial purposes only, where permission may be granted to operate a drone at or near Gold Coast Airport. When flying for any form of economic gain, you must be licensed and certified as an operator, or work for a certified operator. CASA-verified drone safety applications are the easiest way to find information about no-fly zones and restricted airspace. The drone safety apps and web applications provide customised location-based information with easy-to-use maps about where you can and cannot fly your drone in accordance with aviation legislation. For more information visit the CASA websitefor commercial drone operations.

If you believe you've seen someone breaking the rules, or unsafe or inappropriate drone usage, you can report it to CASA here.


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